Samuel L. Jackson IS Nick Fury…Accept No Substitutes

Finally, we can all rest easy. According to Variety, Samuel L. Jackson has signed a long-term deal with Marvel Studios to play the part of Nick Fury for the next several years. Jackson first appeared as the character in a scene after the end credits of 2008’s Iron Man. This new deal will see him don the eyepatch for Iron Man 2 and at least eight other films, presumably, at least, The First Avenger: Captain America, Thor, Avengers and now also a S.H.I.E.L.D. film and the possible sequels. If that last one happens, who’s gonna play Dum-Dum Duggan? Let the speculation begin. I’m betting on Rip Taylor as he looks the part. The deal with Jackson is welcome news indeed as there has been some doubt about whether or not Marvel was interested in keeping him in the role. Honestly, after the Ultimates comic book series, I just can’t see anyone else playing the part. Sound off below on what you think of this news.


Joseph Dilworth Jr.

Joseph Dilworth Jr. has been writing since he could hold a pencil (back then it was one of those big, red pencils, the Faber-Castell GOLIATH. Remember those? Now that was a pencil!). As the instigator of this here website he takes full responsibility for any wacky hi-jinks that ensue. He appreciates you taking the time to read his articles.