New Video Surfaces from ‘Terminator Salvation’

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The good folks over at managed to scrounge up this latest video featuring some of the leagues of machinery Skynet will be unleashing on the human population in next summer’s Terminator Salvation. It looks like this might be the first draft of a featurette that could make its way either onto the official website or perhaps even the DVD.

The video features a discussion with production designer Martin Laing (City of Ember, James Cameron’s upcoming Battle Angel) and his vision of the post-apocalyptic future that provides the background for Terminator Salvation. Laing comments that this film will very much be an “epic war movie”, echoing the sentiment of director McG at this year’s San Diego Comic Con.

Take a look at the video below for footage of the Harvester, Moto Terminators and a number of the other new machines that will be on the hunt for John Connor and the rest of the resistance in T4!

Click here for the original story over at!